
Thank you for all your messages and questions over this last week. 

Oh how the time flies!. I made a start this last week on organising my belongings.....
my main residence is in France, however, I have been here in the UK for several months on what has turned out to be an extended visit and is coming to an end soon.

I thought It could be a bit of fun to do some clips of my preparations on Instagram. I seem to have collected quite a few more items than I came to the UK with, mostly because of my love of vintage bijous items! This will all be a good opportunity also to answer some of your questions. 

Here is a sneak peak shot we took from this last week for you to worship and adore.. in a fishnet bodice and celestial gloves an adoring fan sent me. Any gifts I receive are always regarded special and are rewarded with personal photos to my admirer for his/her eyes only!  A couple of covered up versions are on the Halie D Lish INSTAGRAM



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